Oliver Ding

Oliver Ding

Oliver Ding

Curativity Theory for Personal Innovation

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Curativity Theory for Personal Innovation


This is an idea board which aims to apply Curativity Theory and related theoretical concepts to discuss Personal Innovation, especially Career Development.

On May 25, I published an article titled Personal Innovation as Career-fit to reflect on my work experiences. The article introduced a new framework called Career-fit. In fact, the term of Career-fit means Fit Pairs of Opposite Career Themes.  The Career-fit framework has four key words:
Experience > Themes > Projects > Opportunities

It roughly suggests the following five steps for personal innovation:
  • Reflect on career experience
  • Discover pairs of opposite themes
  • Fit all pairs of opposite themes
  • Join or initiate relevant projects
  • Fit career themes with career opportunity
I designed a series of diagrams for the framework. These diagrams are inspired by my previous works such as the HERO U framework, the Concept-fit framework, etc. The core idea of "Career Themes" is an application of the theoretical concept Themes of Practice which is part of Curativity Theory.

The Career-fit framework also adopted Developmental Project Model as a tool for personal innovation. 
Last week, I realized this is what I called Career Curation after having discussions with some friends. Thus, I started expanding the Career-fit framework by curating more ideas from my previous works. 


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Oliver Ding

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